Here's the deal
I have tried most everything to "treat" acne topically, orally, you name it. Nothing helped. Loads of money down the drain. I went to dermatologists and doctors to give me the cure and answer to most all my problems. Let's face it- (literally) people look at you and what do they see? Your face.
I was insecure thinking people would look at mine and see my flaws.
But I am here to tell you, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL just the way you are. Yes, even if its acne. I have come a long way to realize in my journey of faith that my image does not define me. Once I took the focus off myself and onto God, allowing him to teach me and take care of it that was half the battle. The worry stopped and my skin was getting better. Healing power of God ? Most definitely. I also researched more affordable and natural methods for a daily routine.
I will make this short and sweet with plenty of links to direct you for more in detail research from a few of my favorite sites.
This is what it looks like :
In the am I wake up and lightly rise with warm water. Cold water shocks the skin and hot dries it out. Sometimes I use the Clarisonic with just water and jojoba oil. I have yet to discover if the clarisonic is helping or hurting. I will keep you updated.
In the evening.
Then I lather my oil method on and begin massaging my face.
I swear by this.
By using all store bought products, my oils were stripped from my face causing more acne. The truth is my skin was irritated and over washed. I needed to let my skin breath and heal naturally.
Oils are GOOD for your skin. By washing with oils you may feel like it is too greasy and it is going to cause you to break out but wrong. It actually helps!! The real cause is usually a combination of hormones, trapped bacteria, and dirt. By using the oil cleansing method, you will naturally balance out your skins oil production and clean out the gunk from inside your pores. . When we strip our skin of the natural oils it produces our body’s reaction is to compensate by producing more oil. Olive oil and castor is what I chose to get the job done.
Simply aloe vera gel. I am not talking the green store bought jelly you put on after too much sun. I am talking the real deal. Instead of the aloe plant I chose to get a bottle of Lily of the Desert. This
• Whole Leaf (filtered)
• Contains 99% Organic Ingredients
You can chose to take it orally or apply topically like I do. Do both and it doubles the effect!
Example: I noticed last night that I was breaking out on my back and there were a few red inflamed ones I just couldn't bare looking at. I simply used the oil cleansing method on my back and after applied aloe vera topically all over. The next morning I woke up and the red inflammation had gone down significantly. WOW. Who woulda thought? Aloe is a miraculous natural healer!!
"Aloe vera has long been used to treat wounds and burns and to improve the appearance of the skin. This miraculous plant is being used to treat everything from stomach ailments to cancers. According to Father Romano Zago, aloe vera is now being used to cure cancer, and his simple recipe, which utilizes the entire aloe vera leaf, is comprised of three ingredients. This formula has been successful in treating thousands of cancer sufferers." -Natural News
Learn more:
In all the research I have done I know that there is more ways to naturally help cure acne. What it came down to as far as vitamins and what to "put in" your body I found
fish oil, vitamin B5, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
These vitamins have anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties.
In addition to what you are putting into your body, keep in mind that the foods all trigger what goes on in your body. Fast food, processed, high sugar, fried, all can contribute to acne breakouts.
I try and maintain a protein rich (lean meats, leady greens) and low gluten, no-dairy diet. Less gluten = less bloating and fatique. Less dairy=less stomach gas. Oh my weakness? Sugar, THIS IS HARD. When I do refrain from sugar or use Stevia substitutes I see miraculous results.
Keep in mind: Some people may in fact have intolerances that may promote certain skin conditions.
If you can, getting an intolerance test is beneficial. However, this is a choice. You must choose to eliminate these things from your diet.
Hydration: Water is a natural healer. It flushes out toxins from your body and hydrates you. Start your morning with 2 glasses and you wont need that coffee. I am amazed by how much water will energize us when we are getting the adequate amount. Lack of energy tends to be caused by dehydration for me. So DRINK up!!!
I recommend drinking half your body weight in oz. If you are more active make sure you are drinking much more. Also, if water is just not satisfying to you plain add lemon. It makes me personally more excited to drink it and lemon has wonderful benefits such as antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting.
Learn more about supplements at :
I am praying for all of you who struggle like I do and did with the effects acne has on our self esteem and image problems. You are all cherished and loved by your heavenly father. Acne should not and will not stand in the way to a beautiful and rewarding life you have to live.
I hope and pray this will find you success as it truly helped and will continue to help me!
Blessings over all of you,
Thanks Brit! I definitely struggle with adult acne too, and nothing seems to work! I'm gonna have to give this a try--sounds pretty simple! I'll let you know if it works :) Thanks for sharing!!